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Hilton (CVG)

Hilton (CVG) Logo
Open 24/7
24/7 On-site security personnel
Paved Surface
Wheelchair accessible transfer
Luggage assistance
Indicated by street signs
Paved Surface
Hilton (CVG)

Self park service | Outside

Parking lot location: 7373 Turfway Road, Florence, KY, 41042 Florence
Airport address: 3087 Terminal Dr, 41048 Hebron

Select date

Feb 19 12:00 PM  —  Feb 26 12:00 PM

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Parking Facilities


Upon Arrival at the parking location:

  1. Please go inside the hotel to check in upon arrival, font desk will give you a sticker to apply on dashboard. Please do not forget to leave sticker on dashboard as car will be towed if not apllied.

  2. Hilton Shuttles run 24 hours with a punctual shuttle departing the hotel on the hour and half hour

  3. If you are unsure about where to park, please inquire at the hotel front desk

  4. Please do not park in the Rafferty’s parking lot as your car could be towed

To get the shuttle from the airport:

  1. Call the hotel for shuttle pickup once you have gotten your baggage 859-371-4400

  2. After baggage claim please follow signs to ground transport West - ZONE 3

  3. Please allow up to 30 minutes for the shuttle to arrive at the airport after you have called the hotel. If you are not waiting in the correct spot, there could be a longer shuttle wait

  4. Please call the hotel if you are unsure about the pickup location: 859-371-4400

  5. Shuttles leave on time. 

Keep in mind that Hilton shuttles are punctual

Hotel is wheelchair accessible but is unable to accommodate mobility scooters into the shuttle

Airlines suggest arriving at airport 2 hours preflight; be sure to arrive at parking location before this 2 hour window.

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Important information

Upon arrival you must check in at the Hilton CVGhotel. Then you can take the shuttle to the airport. It is also possible to be picked up from the airport, but you must contact the front desk for this. You will find current information about the shuttle under 'Accessibility'. There are no extra charges for full-size vehicles and pick-up trucks for example, 18 Wheeler trucks are not allowed. Special conditions: because of COVID-19, customers must wear a mask to enter the hotel and also on the shuttle.

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